Notice Director’s Report Management Discussion Report on Corporate Auditor’s Report
Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Notes Forming Case Flow Proxy Form




All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 As at   As at 
 March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012
Notes 2 - Share Capital
a Authorised:
60,00,000 (Previous Year 60,00,000) Equity Shares of Rs.10 each 60,000,000 60,000,000
b Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up:
45,76,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each.
Subscribed and paid-up:
45,71,000 (Previous Year 45,71,000) Equity Shares of Rs.                         35,435,000                       35,435,000
10 each fully/Partly  paid-up 35,435,000 35,435,000
c Par Value per share is Rs. 10  
d Reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period;
Particulars No.  Rs.  No.  Rs. 
Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year  3543500 35,435,000 3543500 35,435,000
Shares Issued during the year  0 0 0 0
Shares bought back during the year 0 0 0 0
Any other movement (please specify) 0 0 0 0
Shares outstanding at the end of the year     3543500    35,435,000 3543500 35,435,000
e shares in the company held by each shareholder holding more than 5 percent shares specifying the number of shares held
Name of the shareholder No. of shares  % of holding No. of shares  % of holding
L S Mani 705050 15.4244 705050 15.4244
Vijaya Mani 386000 8.4445 386000 8,4445
f For the period of five years immediately preceding the date as at which the Balance Sheet is prepared: Aggregate No. of Shares (for last 5 Financial Years)
Fully paid up pursuant to contract(s) without payment being received in cash Nil
Fully paid up by way of bonus shares Nil
Shares bought back Nil
g Unpaid Calls No. of shares Rs. No. of shares Rs.
By Directors 0 0 0 0
By Officers 0 0 0 0
By Others 2055000 10,275,000 2055000 10,275,000
Notes 3 - Reserves & Surplus
a. Capital Reserves:
State Special Capital Incentive Received Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
         Opening Balance 3,500,000   3,100,000  
        (+) Current Year Transfer 0   400,000  
        (-)  Written back in the current year 0   0  
        Closing balance   3,500,000   3,500,000
b. Share Premium Account
         Opening Balance 15,220,250   15,220,250  
        (+) Current Year Transfer 0   0  
        (-)  Written back in the current year 0   0  
        Closing balance   15,220,250   15220250
c. Profit & Loss Account
         Opening Balance 7,630,260   6,526,010  
        (+) Current Year Transfer 798,360   1,104,250  
        (-)  Transfer to Other Reserves 0   0  
        Closing balance   8,428,620   7,630,260
Total [a+b+c]   27,148,870   26,350,510



All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 As at   Total As at 
 March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012 
Notes 4 - Long Term Borrowings
Secured-From Banks
Cash Credit Account with Bank of Baroda 8,360,307 8,794,822
[Secured by Hypothecation of Stock in Trade/Book debts]
Term loan from Bank of Baroda    -    1,394,146
[Secured by hypothecation of plant and machinery at Sinnar 
Car Loan from Axis Bank 590,064 712,898
[Secured against hypothecation of car]
8,950,371 9,507,720
Unsecured Loans -Others
Sales tax deferred (Interest free) 13,604,071 14,410,131
[As per Package Scheme of Incentive of Maharashtra state 
 government and includes VAT and CST]
13,604,071 14,410,131
Total 22,554,442 23,917,851
Notes 5- Trade Payables
Sundry Creditors: 
a) Micro and small enterprises *                         -                           -  
b) Others 4,012,688 9,216,354
* [Determined to the extent such particulars have been identified
on the basis of information available with the Company. This has
been relied upon by the auditors]
4,012,688 9,216,354
Notes 6- Other Current Liabilities
Statutory liabilities  1,377,700 875,131
Other Liabilities 3,605,098 2,651,184
Provisions 668,937 530,453
5,651,735 4,056,768





Notes 7 - Fixed Assets

  As at 1.4.2012 Additon in Deduction As at 31.3.2013 As at 1.04.2012 Depreciation  Deduction Up to 31.3.2013 As at 31.3.2013 As at 31.3.2012
    2012-13       for the year        
A. Tangible Assets            
LAND 2574350 0 0 2574350 0 0 0 0 2574350 2574350
[Including Land Developing Exps]            
BUILDING- Factory 24027330 0 0 24027330 7498823 802513 0 8301336 15725994 16528507
BUILDING-Office 6580717 0 0 6580717 921164 107266 0 1028430 5552287 5659553
PLANT & MACHINERY 11187512 0 0 11187512 5720981 531407 0 6252388 4935124 5466531
LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS 1570542 0 0 1570542 769991 74601 0 844592 725950 8800551
FACTORY EQUIPMENTS & TOOLS 3223653 0 0 3223653 1442811 153124 0 1595935 1627718 1780842
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2377531 0 0 2377531 1264974 112933 0 1377907 999624 1112557
CENTRAL A.C. PLANT 8176691 0 0 8176691 2586468 388393 0 2974861 5201830 5590223
OFFIICE EQUIPMENTS 592660 0 0 592660 408866 28151 0 437017 155643 183794
COMPUTER 644888 19810 0 664698 592996 17432 0 610428 54270 51892
FURNITURE & FIXTURE 3469439 0 0 3469439 2273807 219615 0 2493422 976018 1195633
VEHICLES 1935457 0 0 1935457 519119 183868 0 702987 1232470 1416338
Total Tangible Assets 66360770 19810 0 66380580 24000000 2619303 0 26619303 39761278 42360771
B. Intangible Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL ASSETS 66360770 19810 0 66380580 24000000 2619303 0 26619303 39761278 42360771
PREVIOUS YEAR 65969729 996363 605322 66360770 21838838 2599467 438305 24000000 42360771 44130891





All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 As at   Total As at 
Face Value No. of shares  March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012
Notes 8- Non-Current Investments
(a)   Equity shares [fully paid, quoted]
3i Infotech 10 600 30000 30000
Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Ltd. 5 200 101,926 101,926
Arvind Ltd 10 500 60681 60681
Bajaj Holdings & Investments Ltd. 10 50 28678 28678
Bajaj Auto  Ltd. 10 100 73319 73319
Bajaj Finserv Ltd. 5 50 27770 27770
Bank of Baroda 10 500 118534 118534
Bank of Maharashtra 10 300 6900 6900
Bharat Forge Ltd. 2 30 3804 3804
Bharti Shipyard Ltd. 10 200 64841 64841
Cairn India Ltd 10 1015 162400 162400
CESC Ltd  10 200 128627 128627
Coal India Ltd 10 88 21560 21560
Eveready Industries Ltd. 5 500 17645 17645
GTL Infrastructure Ltd 10 213 4000 4000
Gujarat Sidhee Cement Ltd 10 1000 24186 24186
HFCL Ltd. 1 500 12192 12192
HDFC  Ltd. 2 100 64762 64762
HDIL 10 100 14505 14505
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd 10 1000 66283 66283
Hindustan Oil Exploration Co Ltd 10 500 81322 81322
IDBI Ltd 10 200 15717 15717
IDFC Ltd 10 2000 164446 164446
Idea Cellular Ltd 10 990 130834 130834
IRB Infrastructure  ltd 10 100 16457 16457
Jagran Prakashan Ltd 2 143 27967 27967
Kausalya Infrastructure Ltd 10 176 10560 10560
Kingfisher Airlines 10 200 10641 10641
Lanco Infrastructure Ltd 1 3210 77040 77040
Macleod Russels Ltd 5 250 8823 8823
Mahindra Lifespace Developers 10 200 184668 184668
Maars Software Ltd 10 5000 57340 57340
Morepen Laboratories Ltd. 2 500 7455 7455
NTPC Ltd 10 500 71801 71801
Neyveli Lignite Ltd. 10 400 22868 22868
Panama Petrochem Ltd 10 250 32369 32369
Polaris Software Lab Ltd. 5 200 32299 32299
Punj Lloyd Ltd 2 500 99416 99416
Pyramid Saimira Theatre Ltd 10 60 6000 6000
Ranbaxy Labs. Ltd. 5 100 46004 46004
Reliance Capital Ltd 10 10 1130 1130
Reliance Communication Ltd 5 200 33654 33654
Reliance  Infrastructure 10 15 6348 6348
Reliance Power Ltd 10 74 7358 7358
Simplex Infrastructure Ltd 2 200 76982 76982
SeaMac 10 1000 192315 192315
Sesa Goa 1 100 28407 28407
Sonata Software Ltd 1 1000 52218 52218
Spicejet Ltd 10 250 15138 15138
Tamilnadu Petroproducts Ltd. 10 500 17290 17290
Tanla Solutions Ltd 1 50 6625 6625
Tata Tele (Mah) Services Ltd. 10 700 20634 20634
Unitech Ltd 2 200 44887 44887
United phosphorus 2 100 14083 14083
Voltamp Transformers Ltd 10 100 63163 63163
Wipro Ltd 2 83 13537 13537
Total (a)           2,758,769            2,758,769
[The market value of the quoted shares is Rs. 2,441,536.00 ]
(a)   Mutual Funds & Others (Un-Quoted)
UTI Master Value Fund 33.89 8852.169             300,000                 300,000
JM Infra & Agricultural Fund 10 10000                 100,000                 100,000
Total (b)               400,000                400,000
Total Investments [a+b]  3,158,769            3,158,769





All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 As at   Total As at 
 March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012 
Notes 9 - Long Term Loans & Advances
Security Deposits               713,150 713,150
Loans to Companies 12,830,000 13,050,000
13,543,150 13,763,150
Notes 10- Other Non-Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalants
Fixed Deposits maturing after 12 months 599,115 524,850
              599,115 524,850
Notes 11 - Inventories 
Raw Materials [Valued at the lower of cost (first in first out) and estimated net realisable value] 1,521,807 2,468,041
Packing Materials [Valued at the lower of cost (first in first out) and estimated net realisable value] 1,260,417 1,339,510
Work-in-Progress [Valued at the lower of cost and estimated net realisable value] 639,990 59,875
Finished Goods [Valued at the lower of cost and estimated net realisable value] 15,183,739 17,465,638
18,605,953 21,333,064
Notes 12 - Trade Receivables
(Unsecured and considered good)
Debts Outstanding For a Period Exceeding Six Months 1,322,144 1,243,083
Other Debts 11,394,508 9,599,737
12,716,652 10,842,820
Trade Receivable stated above include debts due by:
Directors *                         -                           -  
Other officers of the Company *                         -                           -  
Firm in which director is a partner *                         -                           -  
Private Company in which director is a member                         -                           -  
*Either severally or jointly 
Notes 13- Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash in Hand 289,622 358,547
Balances with Banks on:
 -  Current Accounts 2,885,346 5,135,607
 -  Fixed Deposit Accounts  6,208,926 3,764,059
 Less: Restricted Cash                         -                            -  
9,383,894 9,258,213
Notes 14 - Short Term Loans and Advances
(Unsecured and considered good, unless otherwise stated)
a Loans and advances to related parties                          -                           -  
b Others
Balances With Central Excise Authorities 69,480 53,999
  Advance to Employees 132,617 236,778
8 Advance to Suppliers/Service Providers - -
Pre-paid Expenses 131,654 141,001
1   304,075 304,075
Tax Deducted at Source and Advance Tax 147,657 197,257
  785,483 933,110





All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 Year ended   Year ended 
 March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012 
Notes 15 - Operating Revenue
Sale of Products 76,818,336 70,454,561
Other Operating Revenue 323,373 -
77,141,709 70,454,561
Notes 16 - Other Income
Interest on:
( - Bank Deposits [including tax deducted at source Rs.31,867 ) 576,814 320,777
   (Previous year Rs. 15,281)]
 - Dividend 39,653 47,777
Insurance Claim Recevied 158,132 -
Profit on Sale of shares                          -                    -
774,599 368,554
Notes 17- Cost of Materials Consumed
Opening Stock 3,807,551 2,597,421
Add: Purchases  20,376,219 25,627,544
24,183,770 28,224,965
Less: Closing Stock             (2,782,224)             (3,807,551)
21,401,546 24,417,414
Notes 18 -Changes in inventories of finished goods work-in-progress and Stock-in-Trade
Opening Stock:
 - Finished Goods 17,465,638 16,262,247
 - Work-in-Progress 59,875 168,054
17,525,513 16,430,301
Less: Closing Stock:
 - Finished Goods 15,183,739 17,465,638
 - Work-in-Progress 639,990 59,875
15,823,729 17,525,513
1,701,784 1,095,212
Notes 19 - Employee Benefit Expense
Salaries and Allowances 24,899,477 21,762,946
Contribution to Provident and Other Funds 650,618 593,242
Gratuity  198,450 187,400
25,748,545 22,543,606





All amounts in Rupees, unless otherwise stated
 Year ended   Year ended 
 March 31, 2013   March 31, 2012 
Notes 20 - Finance Cost
Interest Expences: 2,020,580 1,892,853
2,020,580 1,892,853
Notes 21 - Other Expense
Block & Designs 14,175 30,675
Consumables 237,065 173,618
Laboratory Expenses 96,847 92,405
AC Rental Charges 158,555 175,848
Office Rent               180,000               180,000
Analytical Charges 275,893 288,708
Office Expenses 624,279 572,832
Conveyance 434,610 373,022
Motor Car Expenses 194,208 171,898
Factory Security Expenses 320,356 274,759
Repairs and Maintenance:
- Plant and Machinery 169,244 36,022
- Building 108,817 269,474
- Others 192,884 195,600
Freight & Forwarding 1,511,573 1,390,682
Insurance 97,757 116,670
Loan License Charges Paid 1,097,720 1,312,568
Auditors’ Remuneration  80,652 90,446
Power & Fuel 863,163 710,954
Printing & Stationery 175,328 105,900
Books & Periodicals 10,200 30,000
Postage & Telegram 323,886 345,243
Legal & Professional Fees 576,461 413,975
Loss on sale of assets - 120,017
Taxes & License Fees 216,802 318,568
Society Maint. Charges 71,027 71,402
Telephone Charges 407,396 439,975
Travelling Expenses 826,662 614,895
Commission on sales 919,548 927,386
Directors' Remuneration 1,721,000 1,711,000
Advertisement (Recruitment & Statutory) 156,549 119,903
Water Charges 20,032 19,964
12,082,689 11,693,676



A/101, Pratik Estate,
Mulund Link Road,
Next to Fortis Hospital,
Tel.: 91-22-25668002/3
Fax: 91-22-25668006.